Saturday, March 1, 2014

100 Days!

Today marks 100 days until I leave for staging, so I thought it might be an appropriate time to write a blog post.  Also this past week was Peace Corps Week, so there were all sorts of events and things.  I went to a happy hour with RPCVs from Emory, CDC, and around Atlanta.  I met an RPCV who served in Mongolia and she said sometimes it got down to -30 at night, so I'm glad I'm going somewhere warm.

I've been meaning to write posts with more information about Zambia, my job description, Peace Corps in general, things like that.  But, thesis... and classes... and work... so maybe over spring break.  In the meantime, here's a couple posts from other Peace Corps volunteers that I thought were great.

Ten common misconceptions about Peace Corps

The real Peace Corps

A couple other important things:  This wikipedia article says there are otters in Zambia (and unfortunately a lot of snakes). And here's a video of what one volunteer's house in Zambia looks like.

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