Wednesday, June 4, 2014


It's kind of hard to figure out what to bring when you're packing for over two years.  Of course even if I forget something super important, I can get it in Zambia or ask someone to ship it to me and I'll have it eventually, but there's still a lot to consider.  Peace Corps gave us a packing list, pretty much every Peace Corps blog ever has packing suggestions, and current PCVs and RPCVs have advice.  It's all very helpful, but also really overwhelming.  I think the hardest part for me is thinking about this in an I'm-moving-to-Zambia kind of way, not just packing for a trip.  The most helpful thing for me has been the advice about what people brought that turned out to be utterly useless, the things they're really glad they brought, and the things they left at home that they wish they had brought.  A lot of people have conflicting opinions on what is necessary and what isn't, but it seems like duct tape, ziploc bags, water bottles, a good knife, and a raincoat are the essentials.  Everything else is whatever.

Everything I'm bringing in one picture
Packing party!  Clearly Claire and Max are being very helpful.
All packed up.


  1. woo hoo! looks like you are ready to go! When do you leave? and just two words of advice: head lamp.
    pit latrines at night with a flash light in one hand and tp in the other just doesn't work out.

  2. I must say, I'm seriously happy to see my chitenge made it into your bag :D Have the most wonderful time ever, although I have no doubt you will :D

  3. In this picture it looks like Dad is being as much help as Claire and Max. ;)
